germel boado
In 2014, I wanted to share my gifts to the world. The construction of my website and branding were the main focuses for this year. In the midst of all this, I realized I needed to genuinely provide a service other than DJing to help people, hence my blog was formed. My blog's sole purpose is to provide a space where couples can learn new things, provide comfort for those who may feel all alone during the wedding process, save money, and help other businesses fullfill their dreams. We have been consistently providing content weekly and will continue this in 2015 with the same purpose.
With all the success my website/blog had received none of this would be possible without my team. I would like to thank one of the most spiritual, talented, and hard working people I know Rosey Gonzales. Rosey, your passion for writing are noticed and will continue to have a positive effect on the people that read your pieces. It has been a true blessing to have met and work with you. We will achieve our dreams through our hard work and our positive minds. Thank you for lifting me when I was down, out of ideas, and pushing me forward when all I wanted to do was give up. You truly are a great friend..... " i woke up and was like ..... " LOL !
Next I would like to thank Barry Lai, for your never ending services and commitment to helping me with my brand and website. This has made me become a better artist and business person. 2015 is the year of the hustle ... lets get it.
Furthermore, I would like to thank YOU ! With out you, my website, brand, and my passion to Dj, would be unnoticed. I would like to thank all my friends, family and clients for hiring me and for the constant referrals for weddings and events. I would also like to thank all those who were involved with the content of my blogs. Ex clients, make up artists, dessert vendors, and future clients.... you all know who you are. In addition, thank you to those who have re-posted my blogs , have attended my events and supported my art as well. Seeing familiar faces always brightens my days.
Lastly I would like to thank God. Thank you for giving me the ability to do what I do everyday. For the air I breathe and for the health to live. Thank you for giving me my son, my sole inspiration in life and the reason for all that I do. Thank you for blessing me with the right frame of mind and for giving me the ability to erase the negativity throughout my days. I also want to thank God for blessing me with all the positive, influential, and like minded people in my life.
2015 will bring challenges, and Im ready for it !!! Control your thoughts and you can control the universe. LOVE YOU ALL . GOD BLESS.... and peace 2014 .